Zeets2 » 06 Sep 2024, 9:20 am » wrote: ↑
Thank you, no.
I don't ascribe to the belief that
A) Criminals would EVER be willing to give up their guns or be unable to obtain more if they were confiscated
B) Law-abiding citizens who own guns pose any danger to the public.
So answer me this.
What is it that stopped the 14 year old shooter from surrendering to the SRO police officers?
Was it:
A) He either ran out of ammo or was finished killing those he wanted to kill
B) Was it the fact that the armed SRO officer was about to shoot him dead WITH HIS GUN that forced him to surrender?
Do you think the kid would have simply continued his murderous rampage by shooting the officer if he was unarmed and then continue shooting more kids?
Seems to me that the fact that he was armed STOPPED THE MURDERER IMMEDIATELY!
And who is it that has said she wants to get armed police out of our schools?
Well, that would be Kamala, who I suspect you will be voting for to lead this country in November, won't you?
Police and authorities will have guns and civilians will not.
No need for Police in schools
Schools are for education, not crime scenes.
The kids will flourish knowing they will not be splattered all over the walls and be a statistic.
I admire David Hogg, do you?